Monday, September 27, 2010

There are bigger issues than Rollkur/LDR

So the big topic in dressage is Rollkur or Long-Deep-Round or the hyperextension of the neck. This is a type of training that is considered to be controversial. I won't go into the dirty details but if you need to know more- google it.

Is it attractive? No. Is it ugly. Yes, sometimes. Is it effective? Maybe. Is it cruel? I don't know.

But here is what I do know. The riders who apply it are being given a lot of attention by the arm chair dressage 'experts'. An incredible amount of bandwidth has been dedicated to the development of blogs, discussions, petitions, bulletin board topics to the publicizing and pontifcating of the evil of rollkur/ldr.

The horses that are being so supposedly mistreated are some of the most expensive horses in the world. I could probably by a cottage in Highland Park, a Bentley and a Chanel purse and still have money left over for what one of these horses is worth! These horses are celebrated and being treated to the best care in the world- the best feed, hay, veterinary care with round the clock attention to their every need and traveling first class around the world.

Meanwhile, there are horses that are being starved, beaten, abandoned, abused every day in our own hometowns. Horses (and dogs, and cats, and every other imaginable animal) are being subjected to some of the most cruel forms of abuse. I wish that some of these dressage biddies would spend less time focusing on rollkur and spend some time helping an abandoned or abused horse in their community. Personally, I think that energy would be put to better use there rather than trying to end some nonexistent cruelty to a multimillion dollar dressage horse that is pampered and treated like a national treasure.

So you tell me, what's more abusive, this?

(photo from St. Georg Magazine, Patrick Kittle riding Scandic)
or this?

(Photo taken by Suesy Fulton for TaPS Rescue of an Arabina Stallion rescued from the meat auction.)


  1. Just because there are worse abuses out there doesn't mean we should tolerate damaging training methods. That logic doesn't work. It would be like saying that a kid who has been verbally abused isn't as bad off as one who is starving, so the verbal abuse is okay.

    ALL mistreatment of animals and humans--no matter how small--is wrong. You seem to be saying that as long as people keep their horses well-fed, they can abuse them all they like under saddle.

  2. No I just think that a lot of energy is wasted posting on internet sites and bulletin boards when there is abuse going on in Real our own backyards and neighborhoods.
