Monday, October 11, 2010

Not so ready for the cooler weather!

Well, I AM ready for the welcome change in temperature! But if you don't count monogramming my fleece coolers, I've done a piss poor job of getting ready for cooler weather!

Here's the extent of my winter prep, monogramming!

1. I have NOT washed Red's blankets...they are still sitting in garage, taunting me. I thought I was going to have them done yesterday but my day got sucked away by the black hole that is someone else's schedule! Aack!

2. I have NOT decided whether or not to clip Red. I know I need to because while the latest lesson ride time was great during the summer, it will not be so great in 40 degree temps in December! I am dreading the thought of a sweaty chilly horse at 9pm! I know I need to, but I haven't organized the clippers, figured out what day I am going to dedicate to bathing him, figured out what kind of clip job! Aack #2!

4. I have NOT repaired Red's blanket storage bag for his blanket bar that suffered an injury last year, in which the velcro tore off one of the holders. I really am not relishing the thought of blankets and sheets gathering dust and shavings as they get shoved into the blanket bar!

3. I have NOT done a thorough evaluation of my winter riding wear. I need to get a new pair of Irideon wind pro breeches, because the pair I have is about 6 years old and look about as old and nappy as you can imagine. I need a black riding vest and maybe a new fleeck pullover, maybe brown. Time to call On The Bit for an emergency purchase! On a happy side note, my Ariat windbreaker HAS been monogrammed. LOL!

5. The Corgis are getting their winter coats already (WHAT!?!??) They've had 3 baths, furminated, flea combed...I don't know where this coat is coming from. But the long hair, short legs and wet morning grass is already irritating me. I am SO not ready for the bark- and growlathon that is towel drying corgi bellies at the crack O' dawn! Time to have their bellies shaved! The good thing is their fleece coats are washed and ready to go.

I sure do hope everyone else in the interwebz horseland has done a better job of getting ready for winter!

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