That is how I would describe Red today.
It was 60 and windy all day today. For a horse that doesn't sweat during the summer, it was like a kid let loose in a candy store! It was too beautiful to ride in doors so we rode in our own little mecca, the outdoor at the top of thie hill. Besides it being cool and breezy, I remembered that I forgot to fly spray him when we were all the way up to the hill! So he was fidgety about the noseeums...uggh.. it was step-step-kick-step-step-kick. Good thing I am not taking these things personally anymore!
He was a bit over stimulated today. He was jiggy, jiggy, jiggy. Any leg aid was too much. For about 10 minutes we did nothing but leg yield. Anything on a straight line wasn't happening so I had to spend some time getting him to flex, bend and relax. flex, one o'clock, lower on the outside. Flex, 12 o'clcok, lower on the outside. Flex, 11 o'clock, lower on the outside. As that is part of our routine, it usually works. but not today. He just wanted to GO!
So I went into halfseat and cantered him. He was a bit strong but forward. He had a beautiful rhythm to his canter. He just didn't want to have anything to do with 20m circles. But we kept at it for a few minutes, and then I brought him down to trot. I could feel him starting to listen, and soften and get over his back. But any leg to ask him to step left or right and vrooom!
Some progress made but dressage was not in the cards! I took him to the grass field that surrounds the arena and walked him out...ahh, flatfooted walk!
I looked around and saw the slight incline up the hill.And maybe I was a little inspired by all the WEG XC, but I decided to channel Red's far off relative Windfall and his great great grand daddy, Burnus and do some interval training.
We walked down the hill, and trotted up the hill and turned around and walked down. A little strong the first time, but by the 2nd trot set he was willing to soften, listen to a half halt and had some impulsion.
Then we moved onto canter. I asked him on a 15m. circle to canter, checked my brakes, good rhythm and some collection and then up the hill we went. I was in a bit of a forward seat with my hands folling him. He was so soft and willing. He was fantastic!
After 10 minutes, he was so relaxed. Not winded, not sweaty but we worked all the muscles in his body as I could see his veins all over his body. What a great boy!
Here are some pictures of the view from today:
It was 60 and windy all day today. For a horse that doesn't sweat during the summer, it was like a kid let loose in a candy store! It was too beautiful to ride in doors so we rode in our own little mecca, the outdoor at the top of thie hill. Besides it being cool and breezy, I remembered that I forgot to fly spray him when we were all the way up to the hill! So he was fidgety about the noseeums...uggh.. it was step-step-kick-step-step-kick. Good thing I am not taking these things personally anymore!
He was a bit over stimulated today. He was jiggy, jiggy, jiggy. Any leg aid was too much. For about 10 minutes we did nothing but leg yield. Anything on a straight line wasn't happening so I had to spend some time getting him to flex, bend and relax. flex, one o'clock, lower on the outside. Flex, 12 o'clcok, lower on the outside. Flex, 11 o'clock, lower on the outside. As that is part of our routine, it usually works. but not today. He just wanted to GO!
So I went into halfseat and cantered him. He was a bit strong but forward. He had a beautiful rhythm to his canter. He just didn't want to have anything to do with 20m circles. But we kept at it for a few minutes, and then I brought him down to trot. I could feel him starting to listen, and soften and get over his back. But any leg to ask him to step left or right and vrooom!
Some progress made but dressage was not in the cards! I took him to the grass field that surrounds the arena and walked him out...ahh, flatfooted walk!
I looked around and saw the slight incline up the hill.And maybe I was a little inspired by all the WEG XC, but I decided to channel Red's far off relative Windfall and his great great grand daddy, Burnus and do some interval training.
We walked down the hill, and trotted up the hill and turned around and walked down. A little strong the first time, but by the 2nd trot set he was willing to soften, listen to a half halt and had some impulsion.
Then we moved onto canter. I asked him on a 15m. circle to canter, checked my brakes, good rhythm and some collection and then up the hill we went. I was in a bit of a forward seat with my hands folling him. He was so soft and willing. He was fantastic!
After 10 minutes, he was so relaxed. Not winded, not sweaty but we worked all the muscles in his body as I could see his veins all over his body. What a great boy!
Here are some pictures of the view from today:

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